The rain in Spain, well Sydney actually

yes it is raining at last…great for the garden, now to educate the gardeners for our complex. They arrived this morning, energetic and power tooled as usual.
Seconds later, the lawns are mowed, edges trimmed, plants whipper snipped into shape, small plants sprayed with weed killer and weeds tenderly left untouched.
The problem is they don’t know the weeds from the plants, and don’t speak English.
I followed them around this morning and using sign language managed to save my wisteria from certain death. Sadly it is too late for the standard azalea and the violas.
Perhaps bamboo and cherry blossoms would be safe. My Japanese maple is alive still!

photo…….April Showers..and a quote..





The rain it raineth on the just and the unjust fella
But not so much upon the unjust
Who has stolen the just’s umbrella


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